Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise
Eolas faoi imeachtaí Chumann Gaelach na hEaglaise. Ag cur na Gaeilge chun cinn in Eaglais na hÉireann. Information on news and events of the Irish Guild of the Church. Promoting the Irish language within the Church of Ireland.
09 Bealtaine 2011
23 Márta 2011
Naomh Seoirse, Béal Feirste - The Parish Church of Saint George, Belfast

Ag ceiliúradh na hEocairiste -Naomh Seoirse, Béal Feirste
Bhí níos mó ná 100 duine ag an seirbhís i nGaeilge i Séipéal Naomh Seoirse ar 21 Márta.
I láthair: Caroline Nolan Oifigeach Forbartha Gaeilge, Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise, Maire Andrews Foster, Naomh Seoirse, An tArd –Déagánach Gary Hastings, agus an tUrr Brian Stewart, Reachtaire an pharóiste.
Eucharist Celebration in Irish,
The parish Church of Saint George, Belfast
Over 100 people attended this evening celebration of the Eucharist on 20 March.
Present: Caroline Nolan, Irish Language Development Officer, Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise, Maire Andrews Foster, St. George’s, Arch-Deacon Gary Hastings and the Rev. Brian Stewart, the Rector of St. George’s.
10 Márta 2011
The Eucharist in Irish St. George’s Church, Belfast 20 March @7pm
The Eucharist will be celebrated in Irish in the Parish Church of Saint George, Belfast on 20 March 2011 at 7 o’ clock. Canon Gary Hastings will preside. Éamonn Ó Faogáin agus Úna Ni Mhonacháin will be the vocalists.
Rev. Stewart who is the rector of the Parish, has welcomed this proposal for a service in Irish from his parishioners.
"St. George’s Church is an open door in the heart of the city - a place of prayer and peace. As a Church we have developed new traditions in music, liturgy and inclusiveness down through the years. We see that a service in Irish could form part of a new tradition for our church. We are opening the door on 20 March and we will take it from there".
The Parish Church of St George is the oldest Church of Ireland church in Belfast. It has a ‘High Church’ ethos and it has a strong liturgical and musical tradition.
It was the first church to introduce, amongst other things, the Harvest Thanksgiving, musical recitals in church, early morning celebrations of the Holy Communion, drama in church and, since its first organist Edward J. Bunting (1817 1821) – renowned for his work in collecting and recording Irish Music - it is renowned for its musical traditions.
Originally St. George’s territory stretched from the Falls Road to the Lagan and from Waring Street to Dunmurry and it was known as the Perpetual Curacy of Upper Falls. No less than 10 parishes have been formed out of this territory. One of them, Saint John the Baptist, took on the title of the Upper Falls – leaving the church with its present title, ‘The Parish Church of St. George, Belfast’.
St. George’s Church has an eventful history. The original chapel was used by pilgrims waiting to cross the mud flats which were dangerous at high tide. During the Commonwealth, Cromwell’s troops were stationed in the building, and the lead from the roof was taken for making musket balls. A century later, in 1798, the body of Henry Joy McCracken, the United Irishman executed in the Cornmarket, was buried in the churchyard.
Welcomg the service on 20 March 2011, the Cathaoirleach (Chairperson) of Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise, Dáithí Ó Maolchoille, said:
“We offer our full support to St. George’s Church. We are delighted that St. George’s are taking this step and we hope that it will continue. We will help them in whatever way we can now, and in the future. We are here to support and help any other group or church that may wish to develop an initiative to promote the use of the Irish language in the Church.
A number of other services will be held in Church of Ireland churches for St Patrick’s day- see for details.
Seirbhís Ghaeilge i Séipéal Naomh Seoirse
Beidh an Canónach Gary Hastings i mbun Cheiliúradh na hEocairiste i Séipéal Naomh Seoirse, Béal Feirste ar an Domhnach 20 Márta ag 7i.n.. Beidh Éamonn Ó Faogáin agus Úna Ní Mhonacháin ag canadh le ceol tionlacain.
D’fháiltigh an tUrr Brian Stewart, reachtaire an pharóiste, roimh an tseirbhís seo, a bhí molta ag daoine ón bparóiste, ag rá: “Cuirim fáilte roimh an tseirbhís álainn in Eaglais Naomh Seoirse, áit ina bhfuil doras oscailte ann i gcroílár na cathrach, agus áit suaimhnis ann do mhuintir Bhéal Feirste. Le blianta anuas, tá tús curtha againn le traidisiúin nua sa cheol agus sa liotúirge. Tá clú orainn maidir leis an bhfáilte a chuirtear roimh gach éinne sa séipéal seo. D’fhéadfadh seirbhís Ghaeilge bheith mar chuid de thraidisiún úr againn. Beidh doras oscailte ann ar an 20 Márta agus fearadh na fáilte roimh chách”.
Tá séipéal Naomh Seoirse mar an séipéal is sine de chuid Eaglais na hÉireann i mBéal Feirste agus tá sé suite sa traidisiún ‘Uaseaglasta’ , le ardchaighdeán liotúirge agus ceoil ann.
Bhí sé mar an séipéal is túisce a chuir seirbhís d’Fhéile an Fhómhair ar siúl, a chuir ceadail cheoil ar siúl, a chuir seirbhísí Eocairiste ar fáil go luath ar maidin, a thosaigh léiriúcháin drámaíochta sa séipéal agus tá clú ar thraidisiún an cheoil sa séipéal ó ré an orgánaí cháiliúil Edward J Bunting (1871-1821), a bhí ina bhailitheoir clúiteach ceoil Ghaeilge, i leith.
I dtosach, shín fearann Naomh Seoirse ó Bhóthar na bhFál síos go dtí An Lagan agus ó Shráid Waring go Dún Mhuirígh agus tugadh “Curáideacht Shíoraí Uachtar na bhFál” air. Ina dhiaidh sin bhí an talamh roinnte i ndeich bparóiste, agus ghlac paróiste Naomh Eoin Baiste cúram Uachtar na bhFál chuige féin – fágadh séipéal Naomh Seoirse leis an teideal “Eaglais Pharóiste Naomh Seoirse, Béal Feirste” ó shin i leith.
Tá stair shuimiúil ag Séipéal Naomh Seoirse. Bhíodh oilithrigh ag fanacht sa séipéal nuair a bhí sé ró-chontúirteach dul trasna na réileáin láibe. I rith an Chomhlathais, bhain airm Chromail úsáid as an luaidhe ar an díon chun liathróidí muscaeid a dhéanamh. I 1798 cuireadh Henry Joy McCracken (Cumann na nÉireannach Aontaithe) a daoradh chun báis i Margadh an Arbhair (Cornmarket), i reilig an tséipéil.
Dúirt Dáithí Ó Maolchoille, Cathaoirleach, Cumann Gaelach na hEaglaise,
“Tugaimid gach cabhair agus tacaíocht don togra seo. Tá an-áthas orainn go mbeidh an tseirbhís seo ann agus tá súil againn go leanfaidh sé ar aghaidh. Táimid ann chun tacú leo anois agus amach anseo. Má tá suim ag aon ghrúpa eile seirbhís a eagrú, nó comhairle a fháil, ná bíodh leisce oraibhse dul i dteagmháil linn”.
Beidh seirbhísí eile á reáchtáil i nGaeilge in Eaglais na hÉireann do Lá Fhéile Pádraig:
féach le tuilleadh eolais a fháil.
09 Márta 2011
Seirbhísí Anglacánacha na Féile Pádraig
Beidh seirbhísí i nGaeilge, nó dátheangach, ar Lá Fhéile Phádraig:
ARD MHACHA: Ardeaglais Phádraig, Ard Mhacha. Comaoineach Naofa, i nGaeilge@ 9.30
ARMAGH: St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh. Holy Communion in Irish @ 9.30
BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH: Ardeaglais Naomh Pádraig, Baile Átha Cliath. An Eocairist, i nGaeilge @ 8.30
DUBLIN: St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. Holy Eucharist in Irish, Lady Chapel@ 8.30
CILL CHOINNIGH: Ardeaglais Naomh Coinnigh, An Eocairist, dátheangach @ 10.30KILKENNY: St. Canice's Cathedral. Bilingual Eurcharist @10.30
04 Márta 2011
Seirbhís Nua i nGaeilge
Seirbhís Nua i nGaeilge Am-lóin, Ardteampall Chríost/
New Lunchtime Service in Irish, Christchurch Cathedral
Beidh seirbhís i nGaeilge Dé LUAIN, 28 Feabhra 2011 ar 12.45 i.n. agus gach ceathrú Luan ina dhiaidh. Fáilte roimh chách.
03 Feabhra 2011
Caroline Nolan Appointed As Irish Language Development Officer for Cumann Gaelach na hEeaglaise

Caroline is a lawyer, with both national and international experience in the field of human rights. She undertook a Masters degree in Conflict Resolution in Kent University, and attended a postgraduate Diploma in Biblical Studies and Theology at Trinity College Dublin. She also spent some time in the United States participating in the Leaders for Tomorrow programme in Harvard University.
She has experience in community development in both Belfast and in the Muskerry Gaeltacht in West Cork. She was director of the West Belfast Economic Forum, and also worked as an executive with the West Belfast Partnership Board, developing links between the business community, government and the community.
She is patron of the Faculty of Energy as the cultural Institute Acadamh Fódhla, the informal academy founded by Peadar Ó Riada in Muskerry, where Caroline and her family currently reside.
Caroline Nolan will be working in the Church of Ireland community throughout the island to promote the language. Under the title "Towards 2014: Promoting the Irish language within the Community of the Church of Ireland", this project will secure the future of the Cumann as it approaches the 100th anniversary of its foundation in the year 2014. This project is being funded by Foras na Gaeilge.
Dáithí Ó Maolchoille, the Cathaoirleach (Chairman) of Chmann Gaelach na hEaglaise, welcomed Caroline’s Nolan’s appointment, saying cheapachán Charoline Nolan, ag rá: “I greatly welcome Caroline Nolan’s appointment as Irish Language Development Officer with the Cumann. This appointment will give new impetus to our efforts to increase the use of the Irish within the community of the Church of Ireland”.
The Irish Guild of the Church was founded in 1914 to (1) promote all that tends to preserve within the Church of Ireland the spirit of the ancient Celtic Church and to provide a bond of union for all members of the Church of Ireland inspired with Irish ideals, (2) promote the use of the Irish language in the Church, (3) collect from Irish sources suitable hymns and other devotional literature, (4) encourage the use of Irish art and music in the Church.
The Guild organises regular services as follows: The second Sunday each month (except July and August) at 8.30 am – Holy Communion in the chapel of the Church of Ireland College of Education, 96 Upper Rathmines Road, Dublin 6; the fourth Sunday each month (except June, July, August and December) at 5 pm – Holy Communion in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin 8. An interdenominational Service is also organised during the Octave of Christian Unity in January in Christ Church Cathedral. Services are organised in other places throughout the country from time to time – for example, St Patrick’s Day, festivals. The Irish Guild of the Church supports Irish language services in Christ Church Cathedral on certain occasions when Evensong is sung by the Cathedral choir
Contact: Aonghus Dwane, Hon Secretary Tel 087 6232841
Caroline Nolan, Irish Language Development Officer Tel 085 1632772
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